I met a man with an abundance mentality today. The first I have met for some time.
He believes that:
- his young team will do a good job
- his new and inexperienced practice manager will rise to the occasion
- his associates will be productive
- his existing patients will keep coming and
- will refer others
- that new patients will arrive in sufficient numbers
- that he is a great clinician
His practice needs a considerable refurbishment, a complete rebranding and a complete marketing and patient journey make-over, new financial monitoring systems – in fact, “the works”.
There is no way that the business would win any awards at the moment – it desperately needs a facelift (I described it as a 1992 dental practice frozen in time).
But he stayed very calm (because he is always very calm) and simply asked me to show him and the team how to create a 2012 dental practice.
I’ve had a great day, doing what I do.
But an even greater day working with a quiet leader.
I doubt that his profile will ever rise in the media, in the profession – he was ego-less.
But I have 110% confidence that, in a few years time, he will probably send his practice manager and team on stage to pick up an award – and stay, quietly, at the back of the room.
It’s so long since I met anyone like that – it took me the first hour to figure out what the hell was happening – and the rest of the day inspired by his leadership, management and attitude.
He made me confident and peaceful – I know he does that for his team and I’ll bet he does it for the patients.