Monday’s Edinburgh workshop was a nice relaxing change as there were only about 15 people in the room.
We are just starting to make an impression in Central Scotland after many years of patient waiting for the embedded NHS mentality to begin shifting – its interesting that the Government’s new proposals for Health Service dentistry are finally “shifting” dentists in Scotland, South Wales and the North East.
“Shifting” them to stop allowing themselves to be blackmailed as healthcare professionals and start thinking like responsible and ethical business owners – providing profitable and ethical dentistry for their patients, a good working environment for their staff and adequate compensation for their own business risk and skills.
Last night, the travels of this road warrior were hard work, even for me.
Barbara and I flew from Edinburgh to Bristol and then, in separate cars, drove over 120 miles from Bristol to Watford for Tuesday’s workshops. I arrived at the Watford Hilton just before midnight last night, although my journey was made bearable by two lengthy coaching calls on my in-car mobile phone – one with a dentist in Northern Ireland who is in the middle of a practice conversion and the other with a coach in St Louis, Missouri – helping him to prepare a presentation on marketing to a group of engineering contractors.
Never a dull moment.
And another thing….
There is a fascinating article on the growth of blogging in the May 2 edition of Business Week. The magazine are starting their own blog at and I’ll be taking a look this week.
A relaxing day in Scotland