You will notice a slightly changed look to the blog today. My web business manager, Kim Black, suggested that we move to WordPress – so here I am!
No idea why – but I trust Kim’s judgement and she tells me this will be better in the long term. I’m expecting to add some features to the blog over the weeks ahead as I familiarise myself with the system.
In the mail a few days ago, I received a complimentary pre-publication issue of Andy Wibbels new book, Blog Wild! – it’s a guide to blogging for small business owners – what blogging is, how to do it and why bother. Andy has written in a style that suits even non-techie people like me – I’m enjoying it.
Changing the subject – yesterday I chatted with a business coach in Istanbul about the possibility of bringing The Dental Business School to Turkey later this year. I continue to operate as a “lone ranger” and resist the opportunity to engage associate coaches, franchisees or licencees. I know it restricts my growth in business but I just don’t want to do it.
Problem is, that means my business will never have a capital value, as the product is “me”. I know how to create income – but how do I create capital as a solo-preneur?
A new blogging system