Its Wednesday morning at The Bush Hotel in Farnham, Surrey and the temperature is in the 90’s – there is no air conditioning in my hotel room and I arrived here last night to find a party going on in the main lounge. I’m not sure whether it was a wedding or an office celebration. What I do know is that there were over 30 people singing football songs at 11.00pm last night, right outside my window.
Happily, the hotel manager agreed that their behaviour was less than reasonable for a weekday night – and he moved them indoors at about 11.30pm, allowing me to at least lay on my bed in a sweat until I fell asleep some time after midnight.
It’s been a crazy week so far – 130 people in Leeds on Monday was, I think, my biggest ever workshop room for The Dental Business School. Its such a blast working with a room that busy – and also exhausting beyond explanation.
In Birmingham yesterday a smaller group of about 40 – but – the hotel we use moved us to a new conference room – with no windows and a low ceiling – absolutely terrible and a hot, hot day with patchy air con. Why are British conference facilities so awful?
In fact – I was even more tired at the end of yesterday as I tried to “hold the room”.
Not complaining tough – business is booming.
Today – another 120+ at The Bush.
The freak hot weather of the last few days is finally breaking and, as I write, the thunder booms outside and the rain begins to pour.
Not good for Wimbledon (about 20 miles away) but good for me.
As is usual on a workshop week, I’m falling behind with emails and phone calls – there is a limit to what one can do – I’ll hope to catch up a little before the end of the week.
And football – I did see some of the Germany v. Italy game last night and enjoyed a fond recollection of Manchester United’s last minute goals against Bayern Munich in the Champions league.
It’s a hard game to watch sometimes and, although I genuinely feel sorry for the German team and their supporters, I am delighted for my many Italian friends.
France v. Portugal tonight and, after Saturday’s game, I am, for once, plugging for the French – so partisan!
It has to be the greatest sport tournament in the world doesn’t it?
A crazy week